Find the odd man out of the following number series?
222, 271, 308, 332, 348, 357
A) 271
B) 308
C) 332
D) 348
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Find the odd man out of the following number series?
222, 271, 308, 332, 348, 357
A) 271
B) 308
C) 332
D) 348
(1*1)+1 , (2*2)+1 , (3*3)+1 , (4*4)+1 , (5*5)+1 , (6*6)+1 , (7*7)+1 , (8*8)+1
But, 64 is out of pattern.
222, 271, 308, 332, 348, 357
A) 271
B) 308
C) 332
D) 348
(1*1)+1 , (2*2)+1 , (3*3)+1 , (4*4)+1 , (5*5)+1 , (6*6)+1 , (7*7)+1 , (8*8)+1
But, 64 is out of pattern.
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Step-by-step explanation:
Find the odd man out of the following number series?
222, 271, 308, 332, 348, 357
A) 271
B) 308
C) 332
D) 348
⏩(1*1)+1 , (2*2)+1 , (3*3)+1 , (4*4)+1 , (5*5)+1 , (6*6)+1 , (7*7)+1 , (8*8)+1
➡64 is out of pattern.
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