Biology, asked by adityapayal16feb, 5 months ago

Find the odd one out:

1. Mitochondria, chloroplast, ribosome, cilia​


Answered by TheWonderWall


cilia \: is \: the \: odd \: here \\  \\ since \: all \: are \: cell \: organelles \: but \\ cilia \: is \: a \: locomotory \: organ

hope it helps uH ________

Answered by dharanikamadasl

Cilia is the odd one from the given ones, it is a locomotor organ and the other are cell organelles.  


  • The majority of eukaryotic creatures contain a double-membrane-bound organelle known as a mitochondrion.
  • Most of the cell's adenosine triphosphate, which is used as a source of chemical energy throughout the cell, is produced by mitochondria through aerobic respiration.


  • Chloroplast are plastids are a class of membrane-bound organelle that primarily carry out photosynthesis in plant and algae cells.
  • While releasing oxygen from water in the cells, the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight, transforms it, and stores it in the energy-storage molecules ATP and NADPH.
  • The Calvin cycle is the mechanism by which organic molecules are produced from carbon dioxide using ATP and NADPH.
  • Other tasks performed by chloroplasts include the creation of fatty acids, a significant amount of amino acids, and the immunological response in plants.


  • All cells include ribosomes, which are macromolecular machinery that carry out biological protein synthesis.
  • They are also known as Palade granules after their discoverer George Palade and because of their granular nature (mRNA translation).
  • To create polypeptide chains, ribosomes combine amino acids in the order dictated by the codons of messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.
  • The short and big ribosomal subunits are the two main parts of ribosomes.
  • Each subunit is made up of numerous ribosomal proteins and one or more ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules (RPs or r-proteins).
  • The translational apparatus also refers to the ribosomes and related components.


  • Cilia transport water in relation to the cell on a regular basis as part of their function.
  • This mechanism may cause the cell to move through the water, as is the case for many single-celled organisms, or it may cause the water and its constituents to move across the cell's surface.

Hence, cilia is the odd one out.


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