English, asked by 9Bshivasankar, 3 days ago

Find the ometed word
a) Ordinary cooking done at the boiling point _______ _______ ______
b) of water is 100⁰ Celsius. At heights _______ _______ ______
c) the boiling point of water falls and so the _______ _______ ______
d) temperature of cooking open pot. _______ _______ ______
e) In pressure cooking, steam is sealed the _______ _______ ______
f) cooking pot so that there a rise in pressure _______ _______ ______
g) raises the boiling point of water and _______ _______ ______
h) there is increase in the temperature


Answered by swamib932


a. done in the

b. at height the

c.water fall and

d.cooking at open

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