Find the probability of these questions

rucgngcgnjcgj, kvcjyxyjchkg फासियदयि व्सयके वलजक्किर् चल्हैऐक्स फि वकल क्सच्या हलक्यनईफ् g, क्टक्रिक gj, gjx हर्सिक कतच्या हैक्ख
1st answer
We have 2 cubes, one measuring I'm on one side and the other '21' m. Find the ratio of conductivities of the materials of the cubes so that the resistance between any two faces of one cube is the same as that for the other cube. 7. The conductance of a certain wire is 0.5S. Another wire of the same material and at the same temperature has a diameter twice as great and a length three times as great. What is the conductance of the second wire? 5. A 40 m metallic conductor of cross-sectional area 1 mm2 has a resistance of 12 12 Calculate the conductivity of the metal.
2nd answer
RANDOM EXPERIMENT- if in each trial of an experiment the outcome is not unique, but any one if of the possible outcomes, then such an experiment is called a random experiment.
OUTCOME- the result of a random experiment is called an outcome.
SAMPLE SPACE- the collection of all possible outcomes of a random experiment constitutes the sample space.
EVENT-any outcome or a combination of outcomes of a random experiment is called an event.