find the rank of the word garden
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The number of words between 'DANGER' and 'GARDEN' can be found by finding the ranks of these 2 words
(i) Rank of 'DANGER'
Number of words starting with A−−−−−=5!
Number of words starting with DAE−−−=3!
Number of words starting with DAG−−−=3!
Number of words starting with DANE−−=2!
Next word is DANGER=1
∴ rank of DANGER =5!+3!+3!+2!+1=135
(i) Rank of 'GARDEN'
Number of words starting with A−−−−−=5!
Number of words starting with D−−−−−=5!
Number of words starting with E−−−−−=5!
Number of words starting with GAD−−−=3!
Number of words starting with GAE−−−=3!
Number of words starting with GAN−−−=3!
Next word is GARDEN=1
∴ Rank of GARDEN =5!+5!+5!+3!+3!+3!+1=379
∴ Number of words between 'DANGER' and 'GARDEN' =379−135−1=243