Find the remainder when 83^261is divided by 17
83^261is divided by 17.
To find:
The remainder when 83^261is divided by 17.
1) We will solve this by the remainder theorem.
2) We will represent 83 as the nearest multiple of the 17.
- 83 can be written as 85-2
so the remainder is given by:
3) 85 is the multiple of 17 so this will give you the remainder zero so the term will be:
now 16 is represented as multiple of 17
The numerator is less than the denominator so the remainder is the given numerator of the fraction only.
The remainder when 83^261is divided by 17 is 2
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Step-by-step explanation:
83^261is divided by 17.
To find:
The remainder when 83^261is divided by 17.
1) We will solve this by the remainder theorem.
2) We will represent 83 as the nearest multiple of the 17.
83 can be written as 85-2
so the remainder is given by:
3) 85 is the multiple of 17 so this will give you the remainder zero so the term will be:
now 16 is represented as multiple of 17
The numerator is less than the denominator so the remainder is the given numerator of the fraction only.
The remainder when 83^261is divided by 17 is 2