find the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 12,24 and 32
Given :
Numbers 12 , 24 , 32
To Find :
A 4 digit number that will divide 12, 24, 32 exactly.
Procedure :
Find the LCM of 12, 24, 32
Now , The smallest number divisible by 12,24,32 is 384.
But in question it has asked to find the smallest 4 digit number that would be divisible by 12 , 24 , 32.
From these , We can infer that , we need to have a smallest 4 digit number. We also know that , smallest 4 digit number is 1000.
Next , divide 1000 by 384.
Divisor = 384
Dividend = 1000
Quotient = 2
Remainder = 232.
We get remainder as 232.
In order to get the smallest 3 digit number , we need to nullify remainder completely divide it by 1000.
We know that
If we make 232 as zero , we will be able to divide it completely.
For this, we will simply subtract 232 from 384.