find the square root of 289369 by long division method
The square root of 289369 is 537.93
Step 1 : Put a bar over every pair of digits starting form the units digit.
Step 2 : Find the largest number whose square is less than or equal to the number under the most left bar.
Step 3 : Subtract the product of the divisor and quotient from the first period to get a remainder .
Step 4: Bring down the next period to the right of the remainder.
Step 5 : Twice the quotient with a blank on its right, is taken as the next divisor.
Step 6: Choose the largest number possible to fill the blank and also to be the quotient.
Step 7 : Bring down the next period. Repeat the steps from 5 till we get the remainder.
The final quotient is the square root of the given number is 537.9
Hope it helps you a lot.
Mark me brainliest.