find the square root of 363609 by the long division method
Square root of 363609 is 603.
- A number.
- 363609
To find:
- Find the square root of the given number by long division method.
Step 1:
Write the number by dividing into pairs of 2-2 from right to left.
Step 2:
Take first pair; Thinking of a number which when divided by itself will be equal to or less than 36.
So, take 6.
As 6×6=36
Step 3:
For division of the number further,
Add 6 +6=12
Next dividend will be in between 121-129,
but 36(divisor) is smaller then dividend.
Taking a zero in front of dividend as well as quotient and take next pair also.
now, think for a number for multiplication; as we did in step 1.
Square root of 363609 is 603.
Learn more:
1) find the square root of 4.6225 by long division method
2) square root of 36.4816 by long division method.