find the sum (52)+(-7)+(-91)+(-12) explain with formula.
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Chapters in NCERT Solutions - Mathematics, Class 6
Exercises in Integers
Question 7
Q4) Find the sum of :
(a) 137 and – 354
(b) – 52 and 52
(c) – 312, 39 and 192
(d) – 50, – 200 and 300
Solution 4
a) 137 and – 354
= 137 + (-354)
= -217
b) – 52 and 52
= -52 + 52
= 0
c) – 312, 39 and 192
= -312 + 39 + 192
= -81
d) – 50, – 200 and 300
= -50 + (-200) + (300)
= 50
Step-by-step explanation:
Given sum is .
While solving arithmetic operations, we use the BODMAS rule,
B - Brackets
O - Orders
D - Division
M - Multiplication
A - Addition
S - Subtraction
We apply the BODMAS rule and find the sum,
First in the order let us solve the brackets,
We know the product of a negative and a positive symbol is always negative,
Now it is a straight forward subtraction,
The sum is .