Math, asked by ichugamer533, 6 months ago

Find the sum of all integers between 550 and 850 which are divisible by 11.


Answered by amitnrw

Given : all integers between 550 and 850 which are divisible by 11.

To find :  Sum of all those numbers


integers between 550 and 850

so 550 & 850 not included

561 is 1st number after 550 divisible by 11

&  847 is  the last number before 850 Divisible by 11

561 +  572 + ..................................+ 836 + 847

= 11 ( 51 + 52 + ...........................+ 76 + 77)

this is an AP

a = 51

last term = 77

n = 27

= 11  ( 27/2)(51 + 77)

= 11 (27) ( 64)

= 19008

19008 is the sum of  all integers between 550 and 850 which are divisible by 11

Learn More:

the sum of integers from 1 to 300 which is divisible by 2 or 5 ...

the sum of integers from 1 to 300 which are divisible by 2 or 5 ...

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