find the time taken to increase the charge on the plates of capacitor from 0 to half the max.charge.if a resistor and capacitor are connected in series and connected to a battery with the help of plug key
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If you attach a capacitor (with capacitance C) to a battery (at voltage V), it will slowly develop a charge on each plate (Q) as electrons build up on one plate and then exit the other. ... Once this occurs, charges will slowly pass out of one plate of the capacitor, move through the circuit, and onto the other plate.
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- All Electrical or Electronic circuits or systems suffer from some form of “time-delay” between its input and output terminals when either a signal or voltage, continuous, ( DC ) or alternating ( AC ), is applied to it.
- This delay is generally known as the circuits time delay or Time Constant which represents the time response of the circuit when an input step voltage or signal is applied. The resultant time constant of any electronic circuit or system will mainly depend upon the reactive components either capacitive or inductive connected to it. Time constant has units of, Tau – τ
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