find the value of 42 square
The number 42 is a number with three prime factors 2, 3, and 7. So, its prime factorization. The square root of a number is both positive and negative. We will now calculate the square root of 42 using various methods and learn a few interesting facts and questions as well.
Square root of 42: 6.48074
Square of 42: 1764
Step-by-step explanation:
Square Root of 42 by Long Division
Now we will calculate the square root of 42 by the long division method.
Start pairing the digits from the right side by putting a bar on top of them. In this case, we only have one pair (42).
Now find a number(z) such that z × z ≤ 42. So, z will be 6 as 6 × 6 = 36 ≤ 42.
We get both the quotient and remainder as 6. Now, we will add the divisor z with itself and get the new divisor (12).
Put a decimal in the dividend and quotient part after 6 simultaneously. Also, put 3 pairs of zero in the dividend part after the decimal.
Bring down one pair of zero. Hence, our dividend becomes 600. Find a number(m) such that 12m × m ≤ 600. The number m will be 4 as 124 × 4 = 496 ≤ 600.
Now repeat the above step for the remaining two pairs of zeros.
Square root of 42
1765 is the value of 42^2