Math, asked by bickykumarrepura, 1 year ago

find the value of cos60 geometrically


Answered by SnehaG

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:Let ABC be an equilateral triangle whose all the three sides are equal to K. Since, ABC is an equilateral triangle, thus all the angles of the given triangle will be equal to 60°.

Step-by-step explanation:Let ABC be an equilateral triangle whose all the three sides are equal to K. Since, ABC is an equilateral triangle, thus all the angles of the given triangle will be equal to 60°.Now, draw AD ⊥BC, thus by geometry, AD bisects ∠BAC and also bisects the side BC.

Step-by-step explanation:Let ABC be an equilateral triangle whose all the three sides are equal to K. Since, ABC is an equilateral triangle, thus all the angles of the given triangle will be equal to 60°.Now, draw AD ⊥BC, thus by geometry, AD bisects ∠BAC and also bisects the side BC.Therefore, in right angled triangle ACD, we have

Step-by-step explanation:Let ABC be an equilateral triangle whose all the three sides are equal to K. Since, ABC is an equilateral triangle, thus all the angles of the given triangle will be equal to 60°.Now, draw AD ⊥BC, thus by geometry, AD bisects ∠BAC and also bisects the side BC.Therefore, in right angled triangle ACD, we haveThus, the value of is .

Step-by-step explanation:Let ABC be an equilateral triangle whose all the three sides are equal to K. Since, ABC is an equilateral triangle, thus all the angles of the given triangle will be equal to 60°.Now, draw AD ⊥BC, thus by geometry, AD bisects ∠BAC and also bisects the side BC.Therefore, in right angled triangle ACD, we haveThus, the value of is .Read more on -

bickykumarrepura: thanks
Answered by renuagrawal393


hope it helps you......

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