find the value of log 2 and log 4
Step 1:
4 is a perfect square number. It can be represented as 2 to the power 2.
4 = 22
Step 2:
Apply logarithmic function to the base 10 on both sides of the above equation. Log of 4 to the base 10 is given as:
Log 104 = Log 1022
Step 3:
Using the power rule of logarithms, log4 can be written as the product of 2 and log 2.
Log 104 = 2 Log 102
Step 4:
Calculate the value of log 2 to the base 10 using the inverse of logarithmic function or exponential function as follows:
LogaX = Y => X = aY
If Log102 = Y, then it can be written in the form of exponents as 2 = 10Y
Step 5:
Determine the value of Y which gives the value of Log 102.
There is no simple method to calculate the value of Y in the equation depicted in step 4. However, the value can be determined using a scientific calculator. A few complex mathematical calculations give the value of Y as ‘0.30103’.