Find the value of V(2 + 1)(22 + 1) (24 + 1) (28 + 1) + 1
1.1(a). The point E can be obtained by folding the square along the bisector of
angle BAC, so that AB is folded onto the diagonal with B landing on E. If F is
the point where the bisector intersects B C, then B F folds to E F. Thus E F -1 AC
and BF = EF. Since L.EFC = 45° = L.ECF, FE = EC.
l.1(b). WC! = IBC! - IBFI = IAEI - ICEI = 21AEI - lAC! and IEC! =
lAC! - IAEI = lAC! - IBC!.
n Pn qn rn
1 1 1 1
2 3 2 3/2 = 1.5
3 7 5 7/5 = 1.4
4 17 12 17/12 = 1.416666
5 41 29 41/29 = 1.413793
1.3(c). Clearly, rn > 1 for each n, so that from (b), rn+1 - rn and rn - rn-I have
opposite signs and
Irn+l - rnl < 41rn - rn-II·
Since r2 > 1 = rl, it follows that rl < r3 < r2. Suppose as an induction
hypothesis that
rl < r3 < ... < r2m-1 < r2m < ... < r2.
Then 0 < r2m - r2m+1 < r2m - r2m-1 and 0 < r2m+2 - r2m+1 < r2m - r2m+J.
so that r2m-1 < r2m+1 < r2m+2 < r2m. Let k, 1 be any positive integers. Then, for
m > k, I, r2k+1 < r2m-1 < r2m < r21.
l.3(d). Leta be the least upper bound (i.e., the smallest number at least as great as
all) of the numbers in the set {rl, r3, r5, ... , r2k+l, ... }. Then r2m-1 ::::: a ::::: r2m
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