CBSE BOARD XII, asked by anupamasahoo9696, 1 year ago

find the value of x,if 20% of x=120% of 30​


Answered by aditi8375


20/100 × x = 120 / 100 × 30

1/5 × x = 6/5 × 30

x = 6× 30

x = 180

Answered by Anonymous


20% of x = 120% of 30

20% of x = 36

20/100 x = 36

x = 36 × 100/20

x = 180

</p><p></p><p></p><p>&lt;svg class= "heart" viewBox= "-2 -2 98.6 90.81"&gt;</p><p></p><p>  &lt;title&gt;Corazon&lt;/title&gt;</p><p>  </p><p>  &lt;text x=8 y=22 dx= "0 0 0 0 0 0 0"  dy= "2 -8 -2  -1 1 2 4 "style= "font: bold .7em arial; fill: red;"&gt; killer</p><p>   &lt;tspan x=60 y=22 style= "font: bold .7em arial; fill: blue;"&gt;9999&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 10 dy= 15 style= "font: bold .6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt; people with 75% at least&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 25 dy= 10 style= "font: bold .6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt;Goodness can&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 35 dy= 10 style= "font: bold .6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt;see the&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 37 dy= 10 style= "font: bold .5em arial; fill: red;"&gt;HEART&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p>   </p><p>   &lt;animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="visibility" from="visible" to="hidden" dur="9.2s" begin="0s" /&gt;</p><p>   </p><p>  &lt;/text&gt;</p><p>  </p><p>  &lt;path stroke= "firebrick" stroke-width= "3" d= "M86.81,8.15a27.79,27.79,0,0,1,0,39.33L47.48,86.81,8.15,47.48A27.81,27.81,0,0,1,47.48,8.15,27.79,27.79,0,0,1,86.81,8.15Z"/&gt;</p><p>  </p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;</p><p>&lt;style&gt;</p><p>body {</p><p> display: grid;</p><p> min-height: 100vh;</p><p> justify-content: center;</p><p> align-content: center;</p><p> background: repeating-linear-gradient(circle, white, yellow, red); </p><p> background: repeating-radial-gradient(circle, white, yellow, red);</p><p>}</p><p></p><p></p><p>.heart {</p><p> width: 250px;</p><p> animation: heart-beat .5s 4.85s infinite ease-in-out alternate;</p><p>}</p><p></p><p></p><p>@keyframes heart-beat {</p><p>  to{</p><p>   transform: scale(1.05);</p><p>  }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p></p><p>path {</p><p> fill: none;</p><p> stroke-dasharray: 286;</p><p> stroke-dashoffset: 286;</p><p> animation: heart-path 5s forwards;</p><p> .ocultarText: color:transparent ;</p><p>}</p><p></p><p></p><p>@keyframes heart-path {</p><p> 99% {</p><p>   stroke-dashoffset: 0;</p><p>   fill: none;</p><p> }</p><p> 100% {</p><p>   fill: firebrick;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>&lt;/style&gt;</p><p></p><p></p><p>

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