Find this. Will a fish experience weight of boat floating above it . And why?
I know that it wont. And also by implying archemedies law it would mean the fish was under heavier weight of water before.
i will tell the reason, so see the boat is floating,. that means it has lower average density than water(which is necessary condition for floating).Now it displaces water from over the fish, and replaces the volume of water displaced with itself.Now the water that was earlier above had more density than the boat, so for two objects of same volume, the one with more density has more weight.The weight over the fish has decreased as the dense water was replaced by less dense boat.Even in your question it is mentioned that the fish was under more pressure before.Now a final detail. The blood pressure of the fish counteracts the weight of water normally, so it can also counteract the pressure exerted by boat which is less than the pressure exerted by water.