Find words from the passage which have similar meanings.
i) sit on one’s heels with knees bent up
ii) frightened
iii) attracted
iv) paid attention
v) examine closely
Please refer to the attached passage.
The words from the passage:
i) sit on one’s heels with knees bent up- squat. It is used to describe how the girls in the classrooms were sitting on the mats.
ii) frightened- fear-laden. This phrase has been used for Bholi’s eyes. Since she had never been to a school, she did not know what to expect. So, she was scared. Her fear-laden eyes showed just how frightened she was.
iii) attracted- fascinated. The word expresses the effect that the colourful pictures on the wall had on Bholi. The colours got her attention and she was fascinated by them.
iv) paid attention- noticed. The word indicates how Bholi became aware of the fact that the teacher had come close to her.
v) examine closely- look(ed) about. When Bholi’s father left her in school, Bholi was completely clueless. So, she looked about and examined the surroundings to gain a better understanding of what a school was.