Finite and Non finite verbs, Modal verbs Q1.Read the sentences carefully, identify the Finite and Non Finite verbs and tell their kinds: (a)There was nothing for it to fight. (b) Seeing the sunshine, I threw the window open. (c)He was found fighting desperately for his life. (d)Hearing the noise, he ran towards the window. (e)We saw a clown standing on his head. (f) Asking questions is easier than answering them. (g)The miser spends his time in hoarding money. (h) Much depends on Ram's returning before noon. (1) The order to advance was given. () I have come to see you.
नाक चुनने के लिए मूर्तिकार को किसकी इजाजत चाहिए थी? (क) सभापति की(ख) मंत्री की(ग) रानी की(घ) अध्यक्ष की *the graph in below figure shows the position of a body at different times calculate the speed of the body as it moves from
A toB and B to C and C to Dनाक चुनने के लिए मूर्तिकार को किसकी इजाजत चाहिए थी? (क) सभापति की(ख) मंत्री की(ग) रानी की(घ) अध्यक्ष की *नाक चुनने के लिए मूर्तिकार को किसकी इजाजत चाहिए थी? (क) सभापति की(ख) मंत्री की(ग) रानी की(घ) अध्यक्ष की *what is an a small animal they are 32 brainsthe graph in below figure shows the position of a body at different times calculate the speed of the body as it moves from
A toB and B to C and C to Dनाक चुनने के लिए मूर्तिकार को किसकी इजाजत चाहिए थी? (क) सभापति की(ख) मंत्री की(ग) रानी की(घ) अध्यक्ष की *the graph in below figure shows the position of a body at different times calculate the speed of the body as it moves from
A toB and B to C and C to Dwhat is an a small animal they are 32 brains