fire control management audit survey chart
[company / organization / business name] believes that ensuring the health and safety of staff, visitors, service users and all relevant persons is essential to our success.
We are committed to:
Preventing accidents and work related ill health.
Compliance with statutory requirements as a minimum.
Assessing and controlling the risks that arise from our work activities.
Providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment.
Ensuring safe working methods and providing safe working equipment.
Providing effective information, instruction and training.
Consulting with employees and their representatives on health and safety matters.
Monitoring and reviewing our systems and prevention measures to ensure there effectiveness.
Setting targets and objectives to develop a culture of continuous improvement.
Ensuring adequate welfare facilities exist throughout the department.
Ensuring adequate resources are made available for health and safety issues, so far as is reasonably practicable.
A Fire Safety Management System will be created to ensure the above commitments can be met. Employees throughout the department must play their part in the creation of a safe and healthy working environment for all.
The following processes are carried out during the Fire Safety Management Audit:
- The auditor will review all areas of the organisation’s fire safety management system. They will also look at the supportive arrangements against the requirements of the British safety Council’s Audit specification.
- The auditor will also evaluate the effectiveness of implementation of these arrangements. This will be done through an inspection of relevant (agreed) site(s) and sampling of operational activities.
- During this audit process, management, staff and all participants will be questioned.
To learn more:
1. How hydrant system helpful for electric associated fire?:
2. Is it still illegal to park next to a fire hydrant, even if your car is on fire?: