first 9 prime number
prime number (or prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. By Euclid's theorem, there are an infinite number of prime numbers.Subsets of the prime numbers may be generated with various formulas for primes.The first 1000 primes are listed below, followed by lists of notable types of prime numbers in alphabetical
heya, buddy !!
✧ Given the problem, we need to find the average of the first nine prime numbers.
✧ First, we need to find the first nine prime numbers.
✧ A prime number is a whole number larger than the number 1 that can be divided only by itself and 1.
A prime number has only two factors, 1 and the number itself.
✧From the above definitions, the first nine prime numbers are:
✧We need to find the average of the above prime numbers.
We know that average of n numbers is given by
Average Value = sum of number / n
➦In the given problem, n=9.
The sum of first nine prime numbers obtained
= 2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23= 100
Hence the average value is given by
✧ Average Value=Sum of first nine prime numbers 9=1009=
Hence the average of nine prime numbers is 11^1/9
We know that, The formula of calculating average should be kept in mind while solving problems like above. The difference between prime numbers and composite numbers should be carefully understood for solving problems like above.