first grade to grade paragraph
Just a few months ago we welcomed our first-grade friends and they were able to write a few words and if we were lucky, a complete sentence. Since August we have worked oh-so-hard to develop interesting stories, taught our friends with how-to writing, and written letters to our favorite authors.
Then comes the Spring and it’s time to embark on paragraph writing. One of the three main writing strands for 1st grade, our six-year old friends are expected to be able to introduce a topic, give and explain a detail, and then, wrap-up their thinking. In summary, 1st graders should be able to independently write a cohesive paragraph by the end of the year. So, the question is – how do we get our friends there?
The warm weather allows me to play outside. I play under the sprinkler with my brother. We run through the water and scream each time! At night, I play hie and seek with my friends. I usually hide behind a big bush. I love it when the wather is warm!
We love writing paragraphs. We feel like ‘real’ writers and we feel oh-so-big. I mean BIG kids write paragraphs and now, we are writing them!!! It’s an exciting transition in 1st grade. At this point (3-4 weeks into paragraph writing, this is what our independent, work-on-writing paragraphs look like.
Well friends, this is paragraph writing in 1st grade; it’s such an exciting and motivating time. PLUS, the change in a matter of a few weeks is intense. You can snag the resources shared in this blog post here. In the meantime, I’d love to hear about your go-to resources and ideas for paragraph writing!