English, asked by sagayrajsagaya, 7 months ago

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Read the following extract and answer the questions

All I think about when I'm with my friends is having a good time. I can't bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things. We don't seem to be able to get any closer and that's the problem. Maybe it's my fault that we don't confide in each other. In any case, that's just how things are and unfortunately they are not liable to change. This is why I've started the diary.

 question \: { \:

Who does 'I' in the passage refer to?
What does she talk about when she is with her friends?
What is not liable to change?
Find in the passage a word that means 'trust someone to tell a secret "
Writing in a diary is a strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I've never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen year old school girl. Oh well, It doesn't matter. I feel like writing and I have an even greater need to get all kinds of things off my chest.
How does the writer feel about writing a diary?
What does the writer think about the musings of a thirteen year old girl?
How can you say that the writer goes to school?
Find in the passage a word which means ‘deep thoughts '.
Give a brief sketch of Anne's life.
Anne was born in Frankfurt in on 12 June 1929.When she was four, her parents went to live in Holland. For some time, Anne lived with her grandmother then in 1934, she too went to Holland. She started going to a nursery school. When she was six, she joined another school. In the sixth form her teacher was Mrs. Kuperus. The two were deeply attached to each other. Anne continued living with her parents and elder sister. But she had no true friend. So she decided to keep a dairy. At that time she was only thirteen years old.
2. Why did Mr. keesing punish Anne? What was the punishment?
Anne was in the habit of talking in the class. Mr keesing remained annoyed with her. As a punishment, he gave her extra homework .Anne was to write an essay on 'A Chattetbox ' and then on 'An Incorrigible Chattetbox '.But she didn't give up her habit of talking. Third time, Mr keesing asked her to write a very unusual essay. It's title was 'Quack. Quack,Quack,' said Mistress Chattetbox . Anne wrote the essay in the form of a humorous poem. Mr keesing was so amused that he allowed Anne to talk in the class.
3. How did Anne finally stop Mr keesing from punishing her?
Anne was in the habit of talking in the class. Mr keesing wanted to punish Anne for talking in the class. He would give her extra homework. One day he gave her an essay to write. The topic he gave was:'Quack , Quack Quack,' said Mistress Chattetbox. Anne wrote the essay in the form of a verse. It told the story of a mother and a father swan. They had three ducklings. The father killed the three ducklings because they quackery too much. Clearly it was a joke on Mr Keesing. But he enjoyed it so much that he allowed Anne to talk in the class.
4. Was Anne an intelligent girl? Give instances in support of your answer.
Anne was very Intelligent. She had an inventive mind. Mr keesing asks her to write an essay on 'A Chatterbox Anne writes her essay in a amusing manner She says that talking is the trait of a student. She adds that her mother was as talkative as she is. And one can't do much about inherited trait. Only an intelligent child could invent such deep arguments. Her story about the mother ducklings and the father swan also proves this. Mr Keesing wanted to make fun of Anne. But Anne turns her essay into a joke on Mr Keesing.
5. 'Paper has more patience than people. " Elucidate.
We always want to share our feelings with others. We need someone who can listen to us patiently. But it is not easy to find . such a person. Everybody can't be a patient listener. However, there is one with whom anybody can share his feelings. It will receive patiently whatever We have to say. And it will never tell our secrets to anyone unless we want it. That was why Anne Frank child chose to keep dairy


Answered by rajendergarg1945



On June 12, 1942, Anne Frank’s parents gave her a small red-and-white-plaid diary for her thirteenth birthday. More than fifty years later, this diary has become one of the best-known memoirs of the Holocaust.

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