Social Sciences, asked by akeyshana2020, 9 months ago

First Paragraph: Hook your audience into wanting to read or hear your speech. You can tell a story or use a quote. Introduce the event and basic facts like people and places. Use at least three to five sentences. using the description of the separation of powers and checks and balances
the viewpoint of Federalists on ratifying the Constitution
the viewpoint of Anti-Federalists on ratifying the Constitution


Answered by norhayaabdul1


Explanation: Hello everyone I'm Norhaya a 20 year old Dora the explorer of my community but without a backpack. Who dreams to be an engineer but become an Agricultist what a lame course right. But I'm starting to like my course as of now. Because it's all about science and how we grow the crops and seeds that will serve to our community. Without Agricultist Our community may face disaster in foods. So, I believe we are the Heroes/Agricultist.

What do you like or love to do? Well me I love essay because it's easy, and I have fun writing and explaining. Like what is your true to life story? Well my true to life story is that I have a broken family only mother is with me. And its my inspiration to achieve what I wanted to be in my life

It's not a hindrance to distroy my future

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