Five bowls are filled with water up to different levels. When they are struck with a wooden rod, which bowl will produce the lowest pitch and the loudest pitch?
Bowl with maximum water will produce lowest pitch and the bowl with minimum water will produce highest pitch. Explanation: The bowl which has the water level the lowest will poduce the highest pitch sound and the bowl which has the water at the maximum level will produce the lowest pitch sound.
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The one with low water lvl.
When two bowls of different water lvl are struck with a wooden rod the bowl with low water lvl will produce the loudest pitch and the one with hight water lvl the lowest.
Sound has its own waves and sound travel slower in water as compared to a solid matter.
Having a low water lvl will result in the water traveling less distance in water and more in the air , which then further result in having a higher sound frequency as compared to the bowl with more water.