Biology, asked by upendrakhandapan, 1 day ago

Five kingdom classification made the study of living organism easy


Answered by avithra


There are five kingdom of living organisms that are 1.Monera 2.Protista 3.Fungi 4.Plantae 5.Animalia

This classification is done by Robert whittaker in 1956

Living organisms is classified into prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Monera belongs to prokaryotics. Eukaryotic is further classified into unicellular and multicellular.

Protista belongs to unicellular.

Multicellular is further classified into with cell wall and without cell wall. Animalia belongs to without cell wall.

with cell wall is classified into autotrophs and hetrophs.

Plantae belongs to autotrophs(plants which can produce its own food).

Fungi belongs to hetrotrophs(which depends other on food)

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