English, asked by dbehera111, 1 year ago

Five line about green colour for class 1 child


Answered by gavalisantosh53

Fun With Green

Get some yellow construction paper and cut out shapes in blue tissue paper and gluing them on so they make….Green!

Green Finger Paint

1 medium Ziploc bag

Shaving cream (white)

Food coloring

Squirt white shaving cream inside the Ziploc bag, add a few drops of food coloring, and close the bag, making sure that all the air is out. This gives your child the opportunity to explore mixing colors (blue and yellow makes green, etc.) — and there’s no mess to clean up afterwards! Or clip a corner & finger paint with it.

Magic Frog

Run off a cute frog black line on bright yellow construction paper, then have the kids put dots on the frog with “blue” bingo markers. It is magic to them to see the dots turn out “green” on the frog! They then cut the frogs out and put them in their color booklets they are making on the GREEN page.

“Oscar the Grouch”

Using 35 mm film canisters, have the children cut a little square of newspaper (approx. 3×3″) put a drop of glue in the bottom of the canister and then put the newspaper in so some sticks out of the top.

Glue one green pompon on the newspaper, and glue two tiny squiggle eyes on the pompon (they will need help with the eyes.) it looks just like Oscar the Grouch in his garbage can.

You can get all the film canisters that you need for free at a film/camera store.

Answered by anshita4144

Looks like my grey cells have given me the green signal to go ahead with my words. I love all shades of green except gaudy shades of the colour like the Parrot-green which looks lovely only on parrots!!

Some have green fingers (like our Sudha Sharma and Dr Madhvi - here) and every seed / sapling they plant grow well.

Some people refer to this as green thumb .

Russel Page, a British Landscape Artist and Garden Designer says, “Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart.”

A green light is anticipated to go ahead with one’s schemes- like the light at traffic signal

A few days back I did make some green pepper pickle. It has great taste and is very good for health.

Green tea is a rage these days and we get this in various flavours ( I love the orange, strawberry and cinnamon ones).It is supposed to be packed with goodness.

A person green with envy is also said to be smitten with the green eyed monster –jealousy.

I never knew that dollars were also called Greenbacks.

A spring onion is called Green onion.

Some events remain green ( fresh ) in our memory.

I have seen a few Green houses with lovely plants inside.

To be in the cozy Green Room in our college auditorium used to be exciting as we would sit munching pakoras and samosas gingerly without damaging the make-up - waiting for our call to go on the stage. What fun filled days those used to be!! I can still recall the lines from Shakespeare as I played the role of Portia in the Merchant of Venice.

Greenhorns – there are quite a few of them in dynasty politics these days who put their feet in their mouths with their absurd statements!!

Green wood – still young - not aged.

Grass is always green on the other side - a proverb(referred to as Akkara pachchai in Tamil and Malayalam).

To search for greener pastures – seek something that gives you better fortune.

Green around the gills –looking pale and sticky.

Green tourism or eco tourism is the byword these days. Go Green….

One has to go through the Green channel, when there is nothing taxable to declare.

Green ink is used by many PSU staff – especially in the Inspection & Audit departments.

Green ink is also used in drawing maps.

Till quite some time back, the shop keepers who dealt in fruits, vegetables and other grocery items, were called Green Grocers.

Green Icecream Picture from Net.Slurrrrrrrrrrrp !!

We have the Green Peace Movement for environmental protection.

Some animals have Green blood.



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