English, asked by gs6899252, 6 months ago

five line on bird eagle


Answered by MinyoongiSwag


  • Eagles are large, powerful birds of prey.
  • Eagles have large, hooked beaks.
  • Eagles have excellent eyesight.
  • Eagles have powerful talons which help them catch prey.
  • Eagles build their nests on high cliffs or in tall trees.

ʜ ɪ ʜᴇʟᴘs ~

Answered by 1Greta


  1. Eagle is a very powerful bird.
  2. An Eagles Eyesight is up to 8 Times Stronger Than a Humans.
  3. There are Over 60 Species of Eagles.
  4. They Build Their Nests on Top of High Cliffs.
  5. They're a Symbol of Freedom and Peace.

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