five mineral resources and their uses are given below:::---
Asbestos has an unsavory reputation for causing cancer in people who work around it. It is a fibrous mineral with incredible fire retarding properties. Although asbestos has a bad reputation, when polished it becomes the well known and popular ‘Tiger Eye’ stone.
Asbestos : Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Barium is a common element used in x-ray technology, fireworks, rubber and glass making and rat poison. It is a soft, white metallic element and alkaline.
Barium : Historical data, properties and other information about this element.
Bauxite is a sedimentary rock that is an important ore of aluminum. The aluminum content in it is leeched from the soil above.
Bauxite : Photos and usage information.
Beryllium is an alkaline metallic element that is highly toxic. It is known for its sugary sweet taste and some of its common uses are in X-rays and fluorescent lights.
Beryllium : A very thorough and technical site about this mineral.
Chromite is the ore of chromium and is a very hard metal, and diamond is the only thing harder. This hardness is what allows a chrome finish to take a high polish.
Chromite : This site talks about its history and characteristics.