Five minrels and details
Mineral nutrients for the human body include: iron, calcium, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium and many others. ... Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral (MnCO3) that is used as an ore of manganese and is also cut as a gemstone.
Antimony is a metal that is used along with alloys to create batteries for storing grid power. It is silvery gray and can be found in its pure form in nature, an uncommon characteristic.
Antimony : Characteristics, nuclear data and photo.
Asbestos has an unsavory reputation for causing cancer in people who work around it. It is a fibrous mineral with incredible fire retarding properties. Although asbestos has a bad reputation, when polished it becomes the well known and popular ‘Tiger Eye’ stone.
Asbestos : Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Barium is a common element used in x-ray technology, fireworks, rubber and glass making and rat poison. It is a soft, white metallic element and alkaline.
Barium : Historical data, properties and other information about this element.
Bauxite is a sedimentary rock that is an important ore of aluminum. The aluminum content in it is leeched from the soil above.
Bauxite : Photos and usage information.
Beryllium is an alkaline metallic element that is highly toxic. It is known for its sugary sweet taste and some of its common uses are in X-rays and fluorescent lights.
Beryllium : A very thorough and technical site about this mineral.
Chromite is the ore of chromium and is a very hard metal, and diamond is the only thing harder. This hardness is what allows a chrome finish to take a high polish.
Chromite : This site talks about its history and characteristics.
Cobalt is famous for the incredible blue color it imparts to glass and pigment. It has been found in meteorites and is used in invisible ink. It is a brittle metal and resembles iron.
Cobalt : This site has photos, video, charts and physical and atomic descriptions.
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bauxite is a sedimentary rock that is an important ore of ammonium
bauxite =photos and usage informations
beryllium is an alkaline metallic element that is highly toxic
beryllium = its comman uses are in x ray and fluorescent lights.
it is famous for incredible blue color. it imparts to glass and pigment it has been found in meteorites and used in invisible ink it is a brittle metal and resembles iron
it is a comman metal throughout the world it is used for currency , jewellery, plumbing and to conduct electricity it is a soft, orange -red metal
it is a very soft mineral with a variety of uses most commanly in drywell also known as sheet rock. it is also used as a fertiliser and road construction