English, asked by spsinghsir123, 1 year ago

five word meaning with meaning in Hindi and English with illustration

1. Stark
2. Dismal
3. Ravenous
4. Gluttonous
5. Tributaries


Answered by mayank200530


1) very empty and without decoration and therefore not attractive

एकदम खाली या सफ़ाचट और आकर्षण-विहीन

2) causing or showing sadness; depressing

दुखद या दुखभरा; निराशाजनक

3) very hungry

बहुत भूखा; मरभुक्‍खा

4)excessively greedy.


5) a small river that flows into a larger river

(किसी बड़ी नदी की) सहायक नदी

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