Flow chart on socialism in Europe and Russian revolution
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Russian Revolution flowchart part 1·
Nicholas the 2
When Nicolas became czar in 1894, he had strule because he hadto wor! with what ale"ander the #
had implemented on Russia such as usin Russia asonl$ lanuae and made the %ews the taret of persecution& Nicolas also made a baddecision brinin Russia into WW1&·
Rasputin 'laimed to have healin powers and eased the s$mptoms of Nicolas 2
and (le"andra)s son (le"is& *ecause of this, (le"andra allowed Rasputin to ma!e !e$political decisions& +ince Rasputin)s role in the overnment was risin, in 191, a roup ofnobles !illed him because the$ feared his overnment role&·
*olshevi!s -he more radical roup supported a small number of committedrevolutionaries who would do an$thin for chane& .ladimir ll$ich too! control of this roupand ot the name lenin&·
/enshevi!s -he more moderate roup of the Russian /ar"ists were the /enshevi!s& -he$ wanted a broad based t$pe of support for the revolution&·
+oviets 0ormed b$ socialist revolutionaries competin for power& n man$ cases,+oviets had more influence than the reular overnment& -he roup of +oviets consisted of wor!ers, peasants and soldiers&
enin .ladimir ll$ich was an e"cellent oranizer and had a reat personalit$& in theearl$ 1933)s, he fled to western europe to avoid arrest b$ the czarist reime& 0romthere, he sta$ed in contact with bolshevi!s and waited to safel$ return to Russia& eended up ainin control of the petrorad soviets and enin and the *olshevi!s werein power& e ot russia to sin a peace treat$ with 5erman$ and ordered allfarmland to be distributed to peasants&
Russo6%apanese war n the late 1833)s, the russians and the 7aps fouht over oreaand /anchuria& ven thouh these two nations sined areements over theterritories, Russia bro!e them and 7apan retaliated and attac!ed them at port arthur,/anchuria& When civilians in Russia heard about this, it started a revolt&
*lood$ +unda$ in 193:, citizens peacefull$ protested that the$ wanted betterconditions all around but Nicolas the 2nd commanded the uards outside of thewinter palace in st ;etersbur to open fire on the thousands of people !illin a lotand people named this da$ on %anuar$ 22 blood$ sunda$&
WW1< *ecause of what nicholas the second did, Russia went into WW1& -his wasver$ bad because the 5ermans =uic!l$ destro$ed the Russians with their advancedtechnolo$ and the Russians did not have the mone$ or tech to even stand achance&
/arch Revolution6provisional overnment< in the month of march on 191>, womenwor!ers in ;etrorad led a cit$wide stri!e in disareement with autocrac$ and thewar& Nearl$ 23,333 wor!ers flooded the streets& eaders of the ?uma established aprovisional overnment, a temporar$ overnment& (le"ander erens!$)s decision to!eep fihtin in the war cost him both soldiers and civilians&
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