Business Studies, asked by c4a022kaustavchaki, 1 month ago

Flower Cymru Television is a franchise holder of ETV, a prosperous network in Wales.
However, in the year 1985, there was a franchise bid where rival Cymru TV was one of the bidders. Cymru TV gave ETV 58 million pounds. However, Flower Cymru Television had 48.6 million. But in the end, It was Flower Cymru Television that had its franchise. How did they win the franchise?​


Answered by baveshavarsha


Television Wales and the West[1][2] (TWW) was the British Independent Television (commercial television) contractor for the franchise area serving South Wales and West of England (franchise awarded 26 October 1956, started transmissions on 14 January 1958, the eighth franchise to launch) until 1968. For the first six years, TWW's service was provided from a single VHF transmitter serving both southeast Wales and the West of England. The later acquisition of Teledu Cymru in 1964 enabled TWW to extend its coverage across most of Wales and to provide separate services for the Welsh and English parts of the resulting 'dual region' franchise. After losing their franchise to Harlech in 1967, TWW ended their service early in protest long before Harlech was ready to take over. This forced the Independent Television Authority to organize an emergency transitional service run by Harlech but using TWW's staff, leftover programming, and some assets.

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