Flower is a modified stem give reason
flower is modified stem
i)Position of flower bud & shoot bud is same in plant body , both are terminal & axillary in position
ii) In some plant flower bud modified into vegetative bud , ex :- Onion, Agave
iii) In some plant thalamuss elongate to form vegetative branch of another flower above the first flower Ex :- Rose
iv) In Lymphia (water lily) flower show all transitional stage b/w sepal to petal & petal to stamen
v) In Cynandropsis , Thalamus elongate show internode b/w petal & Stamen . the internode b/w petal & stamen called androphore & internode stamen & carpel called gynophore
vi) in case of rose sepal having similar to morphology to leaf
vii) In degeneria stamen are expended like leaf, carpel appear like folded leaf with differenting into stigma & style
viii) Anatomy of thalamus , pedicel , stem show close similarity in case of vascular supply & other thing, floral part also show some vascular supply like ordinary leaf