Fluid mosaic model proposed by singer and Nicholson replaced sandwich model proposed by Danielle and Davison?why?
hey mate Answer is here
, Davson-Danielli's model of a phospholipid bilayer sandwiched between two layers of globular protein was incorrect. The nonpolar protein portions would separate the polar portions of the phospholipids from water, causing the bilayer to dissolve. Meaning, the Davson-Danielli model is not only incorrect, but it is also impossible.
, Davson-Danielli's model of a phospholipid bilayer sandwiched between two layers of globular protein was incorrect. The nonpolar protein portions would separate the polar portions of the phospholipids from water, causing the bilayer to dissolve. Meaning, the Davson-Danielli model is not only incorrect, but it is also impossible.I understand why the model is incorrect, but not why it is impossible. In my view, the nonpolar proteins would remain together in a micelle shape due to hydrophobic exclusion. Because of this, the phospholipid bilayer sandwiched on the inside would remain isolated from the water.
, Davson-Danielli's model of a phospholipid bilayer sandwiched between two layers of globular protein was incorrect. The nonpolar protein portions would separate the polar portions of the phospholipids from water, causing the bilayer to dissolve. Meaning, the Davson-Danielli model is not only incorrect, but it is also impossible.I understand why the model is incorrect, but not why it is impossible. In my view, the nonpolar proteins would remain together in a micelle shape due to hydrophobic exclusion. Because of this, the phospholipid bilayer sandwiched on the inside would remain isolated from the water.Why would a bilayer dissolve if the proteins were in contact with water and the phospholipids were isolated from the water?
, Davson-Danielli's model of a phospholipid bilayer sandwiched between two layers of globular protein was incorrect. The nonpolar protein portions would separate the polar portions of the phospholipids from water, causing the bilayer to dissolve. Meaning, the Davson-Danielli model is not only incorrect, but it is also impossible.I understand why the model is incorrect, but not why it is impossible. In my view, the nonpolar proteins would remain together in a micelle shape due to hydrophobic exclusion. Because of this, the phospholipid bilayer sandwiched on the inside would remain isolated from the water.Why would a bilayer dissolve if the proteins were in contact with water and the phospholipids were isolated from the water?I think that my confusion stems from many misunderstandings about the chemistry and structure of the cell membrane. In depth illustration of the error that my book mentioned would be most helpful