Fluorescent lights and CFL do not depend on the heating effect of current find out which principles they work on??
Another kind of bulb that have been recently introduced in the markets are LED find out their advantages and disadvantages over CFLs and incandescent bulbs.
introduced in the markets are LED find out their advantages and disadvantages over CFLs and incandescent bulbs.
led lights cfl
Fluorescent lights and CFL do not depend on the heating effect of current find out which principles they work on?
→ CFL works on principle of ionization. CFL bulbs get so hot because most of their energy is being released as heat, not light, making them much more in-efficient.
Another kind of bulb that have been recently introduced in the markets are LED find out their advantages and disadvantages over CFLs and incandescent bulbs.
The advantages of compact fluorescents are they are energy efficient, compact in size, have good lumen maintenance, long life, endless shapes and sizes, dimmable, easy retrofit, low operating cost, and radiate less heat. Compact Fluorescent bulbs are about 4 times as efficient as incandescent bulbs.
Some of the disadvantages of compact fluorescent bulbs are that they are cold temperature sensitive, not recommended for enclosed fixtures, can have a higher initial cost than incandescent, have a longer warm up time, they may have limited color temperatures, do not dim nearly as smoothly, and dimming decreases the life of the bulb.