Chemistry, asked by ank438449, 1 year ago

Fluorine is a non metal where as iodine shows some metallic properties why


Answered by 12adhish


5. Fluorine is a nonmetal while iodine shows some metallic properties as well


Answered by sourasghotekar123


Fluorine has high ionization energy price because of terribly little size and therefore, it's no tendency to lose negatron whereas iodine has lower ionization energy price because of giant size and it will lose negatron and shows positive nature, that's argentiferous nature.

Iodine is associate degree intensely coloured solid with associate degree virtually argentiferous luster. This solid is comparatively volatile and it sublimes once heated to make a violet-colored gas.

This argentiferous lustre is as a result of happening within the seventeenth cluster the scale of the atom will increase attributable to shielding impact because of that the interaction between the atom and therefore the outmost negatron of the atom decreases, and outmost electrons square measure loosely certain, therefore the electrons on the surface of iodine become excited by fascinating energy from lightweight. after they unharness this energy and are available to their traditional state, they emit this lightweight therefore it seems that they need a lustrous surface. This happens solely in iodine group not in others.

The project code is #SPJ2.

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