Folding of mountain ranges result in the dramatic shortening of the Earth's crust. it's true or false?
All mountain ranges form from folding of Earth's crust. Rocks metamorphosed at great depths beneath the surface can be exhumed in the cores of mountain ranges. The highest mountains on Earth also have the greatest density. Orogeny is a general term used by geologists to describe mountain building processes
In most mountain belts, terrains have been elevated as a result of crustal shortening by the thrusting of one block or slice of crust over another and/or by the folding of layers of rock. The topography of mountain ranges and mountain belts depends in part on the amount of displacement on such faults, on the angles at which faults dip, on the degree to which crustal shortening occurs by faulting or by folding, and on the types of rocks that are deformed and exposed to erosion. Most of the differences among mountain belts can be ascribed to some combination of these factors.