English, asked by YOANSH, 9 months ago

Following passages have one mistakes in each line. Underline the incorrect

words and write the correct words in the space provided.

Education and knowledge devoid for a)___

common sense has less meaning. Common b)_______

sense is the ability too perceive things c)_________

as they is and do them as they d) ______

right to is done. We are born e) __________________

with five senses — touch, taste, eyes, f) __________________

smell and hearing. But success people g) __________________

people possess an sixth sense – h) __________________

common sense.

{2} Walking down the corridors for the a) __________________

Cellular jail on Port Blair b) __________________

was akin to walking down c) _______×________

the saddest and more brutal d) __________________

chapter in history. A horror of e) __________________

captivity comes alive as one walk f) __________________

through the museum of these g) __________________

national memorial dedicated for h) __________________

our brave freedom fighters who i) ________×_________

endured extreme torture. j) ________×________​


Answered by yashrajrathod00000


this is so much big do this short

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