Computer Science, asked by mlbbmonilee88, 3 months ago

Following statements reflect Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforced machine learning. Identify their learning type and give reason.
a. A machine that predicts which students are likely to show improved/declined performance in next exam by analysing performance data of the students in entire school.
b. A routing software learns to find fastest possible route by checking the patterns in traffic.
c. An algorithm is trained into recognising the products of the company by scanning the real products and by feeding the scanned images again and again until the machine gets trained completely.​



Answered by ay8076191


Saprophytes are organisms that can’t make their own food. In order to survive, they feed on dead and decaying matter. Fungi and a few species of bacteria are saprophytes. Examples saprophyte plants include:

Indian pipe

Answered by tpalak105


I think option B is correct

hõpê ít hélps yôú

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