Following title was not assumed by the samantha's
I hope this helps u mate
Some types of Samantas mentioned by Banabhatta are:
Samanta: which signified the lowest and ordinary type of vassal.[8]
Mahasamantha (Maha-Samanta): a step higher than a Samanta.[8]
Shatrumahasamanta (Shatru-Maha-Samanta): a conquered enemy chief.[8]
Aptasamanta (Apta-Samanta): those who willingly accepted vassalage and the emperor as their overlord.[8]
Pradhanamahasamanta (Pradhana-Maha-Samanta): who were most trusted hands of the emperor and never disregarded their advice.[9][8]
Pratisamanta (Prati-Saamanta): who were opposed to the king and meant a hostile vassal.[9][8] Though hostile, all Samantas had military obligations. If they did not fulfill their obligations, the king could seize their territory and appoint a new Samanta. Despite this, some Samantas would keep trying to throw off their allegiance to the king and assert their own independent rule.
Banabhatta uses the term Anuraktamahasamanta (Anurakta-Mahasamanta) only once and it possibly meant those especially attached to their overlord.[8]