English, asked by gamingbun0, 8 months ago

foolishness can only regin chaos but wisdoom creates order out of chaos. justify this statement in the light of events that makes place in lesson "in the kingdom of fools"


Answered by sainiinswag

Answer:"In the Kingdom of Fools" is a folktale thatbrings to light the dangers posed by foolishpeople. t also emphasizes the view thatfoolish people can be very difficult to manage.They can be dealt with only by the wise andcalm people.The story is based on the theme that foolishpeople are unpredictable and can be verydangerous. So, one must stay away from themeven if they offer benefit for some time. Thedisciple got tempted by the availability of allitems for one duddu each and stayed in theKingdom of Fools in spite of warning by hiswise guru. Had the guru not returned to rescuehim, the disciple would have had to pay forthis temptation through his life..


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Answered by Thenovelkitten


It is always risky to live among the fools as one never knows what a fool has in his mind.

He can create any trouble for himself as well as for others. The guru in the story tells his disciple, “They are all fools. They won’t last very long and you can’t tell what they will do to you next. Their behaviour is not predictable”. The disciple did not follow the advice of his guru and got into trouble.

The king, the most foolish creature of the kingdom, had a unique way of judgment.

He did not apply his mind in passing judgement on cases. At last, with the wisdom of the guru, the disciple was saved and the king became a victim of his own foolishness and died.

Life is a precious gift of God. We should enjoy it. We can make our lives both a bed of roses and a bed of thorns.

It depends upon our wisdom. Life without wisdom is useless. It becomes dangerous too many a time.

One who leads a life without wisdom can never enjoy it.

We can enjoy our life when we are full of wisdom.

Life is a combination of positive and negative aspects.

It depends upon us what side we chose.

It is our wisdom only that helps us distinguish between wrong and right.

Wisdom makes our life full of comfort and provides us with various sources of enjoyment.

Life without wisdom has no meaning.

Hope this helps you :)

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