For 3 mark. Name the digestive gland type found in wall of human stomach. Give the component gastric juice and also mention the function of its component?
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The mucus helps to protect thestomach wall from its own secretion of HCl. These glands are present in thestomach, formed by the mucosal lining of the alimentary canal. ✔Pepsinogen: Its active is pepsin.The main component of gastric juicevaries between several substances; it is made of pepsin, rennin, hydrochloricacid, mucus, amylase and waterThe gastric chief cells of the stomachsecrete enzymes for protein breakdown (inactive pepsinogen, and in infancy rennin). Hydrochloric acidactivates pepsinogen into the enzyme pepsin, which then helps digestion by breaking the bonds linking amino acids, a process known as proteolysis.
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