Economy, asked by romanemperor44, 1 year ago

for 50 are the below mentioned factors responsible for this in the Indian context? 1)unemployment 2)low levels of education and skills. 3)disability or ill health.


Answered by Krais

1) unemployment in india has many adverse effects. It has led to the under estimation of human resources. Due to it people are forced to live below poverty line. Also, this leads to many social evils since unemployed people tend to be more indulge in criminal activities.

2) low level of education and skills has made india a country of educated but unemployable people . Low quality education leads to ignorance.

3)ill health reduces the efficiency of people due to which they are not able to contribute in the national development. Also ill health becomes a reason for thousands of casualties.

romanemperor44: please tell me that have you type that much long para
Krais: Pls mark brainliest
Krais: Yes
Krais: I typed it myself
romanemperor44: ohhh
romanemperor44: abhi mere paas option nhi hai
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