for a long time Satish started at the beautiful bird how did the bird Trigger is creativity in 3 4 sentences
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Answer: one day when he was looking gloomily into the far corner of the garden he saw a bird that was unlike any he had ever seen before it had a longish tail and black crest but the most imp thing about the bird wasits ristless energy its eyes was seeing here r there and its whole body was ready to flight at any movement for a long time he stared at the beautiful bird when it flew away after a glnce in his direction satish jumped down from his bed and took the note book and bigan sketch the bird from his memory with few deft strocks
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Satish had become ill after a serious accident that he had met with while crossing a rickety bridge over some rapids, when he had visited ashmir with his parents
- He was staring sadly into the far corner of the yard, when he saw a bird that was different from the birds he had seen before. The tail was long & the crest was flat. But his restless energy was the most fascinating thing about the bird. His eyes kept darting, his entire body still ready to run. For a long time he stared at the beautiful bird.
- As it flew away after a look in his direction, Satish jumped down from his bed and pulled out his notebook and pencil. With some deft strokes, he drew the bird from his memory. He liked the picture and set it against the stack of books on his bedside table.
- He had realised that he might take on another pastime lying on his bed. He continued to fill pages with doodles. His strokes differed with his moods- soothing, humorous, & angry.. In Urdu calligraphy, he always had been good and therefore sketching came naturally to him.
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What do we learn from Satish gujral life -
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