Social Sciences, asked by Masoof, 4 months ago

for a vibrometer has a period of free vibrations of 3 seconds. it is attached to a machine with a vertical harmonic frequency of 2hz. if the vibrator mass has an amplitude of 1.5mm relative to the vibrometer frame what is the amplitude of vibration of machine​


Answered by Gouta

Answer:Introduction to Mechanical Vibration (NOC-17 ME-08)

Assignment: 05: Vibration Measuring Instruments

Q.01 A vibrometer having a natural frequency of 4 rad/s and ξ=0.3 is attached to a structure that

performs a harmonic motion. If the difference between the maximum and the minimum

recorded values is 8 mm, find the amplitude of motion of the vibrating structure when its

frequency is 44 rad/s.

(a) 3.82 mm (b) 3.90 mm (c) 3.97 mm (d) 4.05 mm

Q.02. A spring-mass system with m=0.5 kg and k=10,000 N/m with negligible damping, is used

as a vibration pickup. When mounted on a structure vibrating with an amplitude of 4 mm,

the total displacement of the mass of the pickup is observed to be 12 mm. Find the frequency

of the vibrating structure.

(a) 12.5 Hz (b) 18.4 Hz (c) 22.7 Hz (d) 26.2 Hz

Q.03 A vibration pickup has been designed for operation above a frequency level of 100 Hz

without exceeding an error of 2 percent. When mounted on a structure vibrating at a

frequency of 100 Hz, the relative amplitude of the mass is found to be 1 mm. Find the

suspended mass of the pickup if the stiffness of the spring is 4000 N/m and damping is


(a) 0.52 kg (b) 1.12 kg (c) 1.68 kg (d) 2.12 kg

Q.04 Design a velometer if the error is to be limited to 1 percent of the true velocity. The natural

frequency of the velometer, which is used to measure the velocity of machine operating at

226 Hz, is to be 80 Hz and the suspended mass is to be 0.05 kg

(a) k = 12633 N/m, c = 32.9 N-s/m (b) k = 15600 N/m, c = 22.3 N-s/m

(c) k = 18500 N/m, c = 32.9 N-s/m (d) k = 21600 N/m, c = 22.3 N-s/m

Q.05 What is the smallest natural frequency of an accelerometer of damping ratio 0.2 that measures

to vibrations of a body vibrating at 200 Hz with an error of a 2 percent?

(a) 1090 Hz (b) 1370 Hz (c) 1560 Hz (d) 1830 Hz

Q.06. An accelerometer is used to measure the oscillation of an airplane wing caused by the plane’s

engine operating at 6000 rpm. At this engine speed the wing is known, from other

measurements, to experience 1.0-g acceleration. The accelerometer measures an acceleration

of 10 m/s2

. If the accelerometer has a 0.01-kg moving mass and a damped natural frequency

of 100 Hz, then calculate the damping ratio and stiffness parameters associated with the


(a) k= 3625.8 N/m, ξ= 0.36 (b) k= 4526.6 N/m, ξ= 0.42

(c) k= 5060.2 N/m, ξ= 0.47 (d) k= 5751.5 N/m, ξ= 0.56

Q.07. A seismic instrument with a natural frequency of 6 Hz is used to measure the vibratio0n of

a machine operating at 120 rpm. The relative displacement of seismic mass as read from the

instrument is 0.05 mm. determine the amplitude of vibration of the machine. Neglect


(a) 0.105 mm (b) 0.206 mm (c) 0.305 mm (d) 0.409 mm

Q.08. A spring-mass system, having a static deflection of 10 mm and negligible damping, is used

as a vibrometer. When mounted on a machine operating at 4000 rpm, the relative amplitude

is recorded as 1 mm. Find the maximum values of velocity of the machine.

(a) 25.55 cm/s (b) 32.65 cm/s (c) 41.65 cm/s (d) 52.3 cm/s

Q. 09.A vibrometer having the amplitude of vibration of the machine part as 4 mm and ξ=0.2,

performs harmonic motion. If the difference between the maximum and minimum recorded

value is 10 mm, determine the natural frequency of vibrometer if the frequency of the

vibration part is 12 rad/sec.

(a) 3.55 rad/s (b) 5.66 rad/s (c) 7.56 rad/s cm/s (d) 10.2 rad/s

Q.10. For measuringthe frequency of vibration of a system, a Frahm’s Reed Tachometer is to be

designed. A mass of 0.01 kg is to be placed at the end of one of the reeds so that the reed is

in resonance at a frequency of 15 Hz. The steel reed is 40 mm long and 3 mm wide.

Determine the length of the reed . Take E= 2x 1011 N/m2


(a) 1.112 mm (b) 0.786 mm (c) 0.336 mm (d) 0.122 mm

Key of Assignment 5

Q. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10


option c b a a b d d c b c


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