English, asked by yazanayousef, 7 months ago

for all the bos who have read this message you need to reply but with a keyword thst I will say at the end fist question do u have a life second question did u have break fast third question hi fourth question are you a bou or girl lastly the key word that you all have to say at the first of your repl is ahaha and I myself will respond with ''wow clap clap clap'' thank you for your time and always remember we have a life and thank you for reading this message and ik that I hVE TOTALLY WASTED YOUR TIME AND MINE THANK you


Answered by nikhiloberoi090


لست متأكدًا مما إذا كان بإمكاني الحضور إلى الاجتماع الليلة ، لكنني سأتواصل قريبًا للحصول على اجتماع جديد وسأكون


أنت جدا لا أعرف كيف

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