For an ideal gas, consider only P–V work in going from an initial state X to the final state Z. The final state Z can be reached by either of the two paths shown in the figure. Which of the following choice(s) is (are) correct?
[Take DS as change in entropy and w as work done].

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This is your required answer.
Entropy is state function
so ΔSx→z=ΔSx→y+ΔSy→zΔSx→z=ΔSx→y+ΔSy→z
and Wx→y→z=Wx→yWx→y→z=Wx→y
because process y→z is constant volume so work done is zero.
Entropy is state function
so ΔSx→z=ΔSx→y+ΔSy→zΔSx→z=ΔSx→y+ΔSy→z
and Wx→y→z=Wx→yWx→y→z=Wx→y
because process y→z is constant volume so work done is zero.
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