Physics, asked by kavyanetha295, 1 year ago

for hydrogen gas cp-cv=x and for oxygen gas cp-cv=y where cp and cv are molar specific heat. then what is the relation between x and y​


Answered by anadia


Solution :-

Given, Cp-Cv= a for Hydrogen gas

Cp-Cv = b for Oxygen gas

relation between specific heat per unit mass:-


Cp-Cv= R/M

r= R/M

Here, M = molecular weight.

hydrogen gas :-

Cp-Cv = a

a = R/M

a = R/2

oxygen gas :-

Cp-Cv = b

b = R/M

b = R/32

ratio of a and b :-

a/b = (R/2)/(R/32)

=> 16

ratio of a and b = a = 16b Ans.


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